Planting Trees for Thriving Communities

The trees in our cities and towns provide many benefitsโ€”cleaning the water flowing into Puget Sound; purifying the air we breathe; beautifying our neighborhoods; and so much more. Trees are also an essential solution for climate change. They breathe and clean our air, absorbing carbon pollution from greenhouse gases, then store that carbon for generations. They also support well-being and can provide equitable access to nature and the value it brings to our lives.

Embrace daily opportunities to find inspiration in the power of trees. And play your part in supporting their health. Learn how you can steward the trees in your community.

Videos: The Benefits of Urban Trees

Tree canopy provides a suite of benefits to urban communities: improving water quality and quantity; mitigating the flow of water during heavy rains, capturing carbon; reducing air pollution; and moderating temperature during warmer months of the year. Watch our videos and click through our infographics to learn more about the benefits trees bring to Puget Sound cities.

TREES FOR MENTAL HEALTH: "That tree started to represent how I was feeling." Veteran and mental health counselor Jeremy Grisham shares his story of PTSD, and the power of healing through nature.


Connecting with Trees

We each connect to trees in different ways. Trees recall memories from our childhood, or spark inspiration a neighborhood walk. We value the benefits they provide for habitat and health. And for some, trees connect us to our ancestors. Explore stories of those sharing these connections.

Take Action In Your City!

Take action to support the health of our urban trees by being a voice for the benefits of trees, stewarding trees in your community or volunteering with efforts around Puget Sound. Check out the blogs below to learn more about what YOU can do for trees in your neighborhood.