After years of work, our Yes on 1631 coalition is led and supported by more than 400 organizations and leaders β€” including labor unions, communities of color organizations, environmental and clean energy advocates, health professionals, businesses, faith organizations, and tribal nations who have come together to pass this practical solution. 

The other side is being funded by Big Oil β€” which has poured into our state more than $26 million to defeat the measure. The No on 1631 campaign is nearly 100 percent funded by big energy interests that want to maintain their profits while continuing to pollute the environment.

Why do the oil companies care so much? A fee on carbon emissions will cost them money. For oil companies that put profit over environment, that is a big problem. I-1631 also sets a precedent. As the very first state to pass such a measure, Washington will have demonstrated that people believe in clean energy and support the idea that those who pollute the most need to chip in proportionately to counter their damaging carbon emissions. If Washington passes the carbon fee, other states will follow.

Explore Other Reasons to Vote Yes on I-1631

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4347 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98105