carbon policy

Board Statement Supporting Climate in Federal Legislation

Board Statement Supporting Climate in Federal Legislation

Our volunteer Board of Trustees issued a resolution calling on Congress to protect the climate-change mitigation and resiliency provisions in the infrastructure and budget reconciliation packages currently under debate in Washington, DC.

Shaping policy to cut carbon

Shaping policy to cut carbon

Washington and the world urgently need climate action, and that action must not be taken in a way that exacerbates harm in communities already overburdened by pollution and other impacts of climate change.

Our Approach to Carbon Pricing

Our Approach to Carbon Pricing

The climate crisis is the greatest threat to our vision and our mission. We are committed to working across differences to achieve the transformation our society and economy needs to address this challenge.

Join us in speaking up for nature in Olympia this session

Join us in speaking up for nature in Olympia this session

Resolve to speak up for nature and people this year: join us in Olympia or use your voice online to support policy and public funding for a better Washington and a better world.

Details on the Ballot Initiative for a Cleaner, Healthier Washington

Details on the Ballot Initiative for a Cleaner, Healthier Washington

An initiative we've filed would create funds to be used to accelerate our state’s transition to clean energy, increase the resiliency of the state’s waters and forests to the impacts of climate change and reduce the impacts of climate change on communities.

    Action in State Capitol Sets Us on a Course Toward Climate Progress

    Action in State Capitol Sets Us on a Course Toward Climate Progress

    Washington’s lawmakers can set a national standard for action to address climate change — not only its impacts on our iconic landscapes, but on the people who depend on a healthy environment to live, work and recreate throughout our state.